ILLUSTRATOR TUTORIALS: Tutorials and Playlists will follow an easy process for creating artwork in Adobe Illustrator. If you are new to Adobe Illustrator, start with Beginner Guides or Illustrator Tutorials.  LEARNING TARGET: Understand how to apply the Primary Building Tools and Options in Adobe Illustrator.

DIGITAL DOWNLOADS: Many of you are jumping over from YouTube looking to download our Adobe Illustrator Brushes and Resource Folders. Digital Downloads will come through our friends at Teachable. LEARNING TARGET: Download Brush Libraries, Comic Halftones, T-Shirt Textures, or Resource Bundles.

RESOURCE GUIDES: As I create my artwork, pay attention to the resources being used throughout the Workflows, Tutorials, and YouTube Playlists. LEARNING TARGET: Understand how to apply Brush Libraries, Color Swatches, Comic Halftones, and BMP Textures in Adobe Illustrator.

STUDENT DASHBOARD: The Student Dashboard will be a good starting place for those of you looking to learn Adobe Illustrator. This content has been established based on comments and questions I have received through YouTube Videos and Playlists. STUDENT DASHBOARD

FIRST STEPS: The first step is to bookmark this page for quick access back to the Student Dashboard. I would recommend bookmarking the Student Dashboard and My Enrollments Pages for Quick Access. Remember to Login on your next visit. TEACHABLE GUIDE

MY ENROLLMENTS: If you are enrolled in Programs or have purchased Digital Downloads, you can access your current content through 'My Enrollments.' If your My Enrollments is blank or empty, you are not currently enrolled in any Programs or Downloads. MY ENROLLMENTS

STOCK PHOTOS: I recommend using Unsplash for your Sketch, Drawing, and Color References. For your own artwork and designs, start from a Drawing, Sketch, or Traced Stock Photo. Download and Save Photo References to use with your artwork and designs. FREE RESOURCES

COLOR SWATCHES: I highly recommend using Adobe Color for your Themes to add to your Library or download ASE Files. In most tutorials, we will be applying Flat Colors using Live Paint. Download and Save Color Themes to use with your own artwork and designs. FREE RESOURCES

FONT FAMILIES: I recommend using Adobe Fonts for Commercial Use. If you are New, look for Font Families to use for your Primary Business or Marketing (Headers + Sub Headers). Download and Save Fonts to use with your own artwork and designs. FREE RESOURCES

BEGINNER: If you are a Beginner to Adobe Illustrator, I will recommend creating clean Contour Line Drawing. This can be accomplished by tracing a stock photo or simplifying your own Sketches. DRAWING GUIDE

INTERMEDIATE: The next phase will be to prepare your drawings for the Initial Building Phase in Adobe Illustrator. Many of you will be using Ellipse, Pen, and Pencil Tools as your Primary Building Tools. DRAWING GUIDE

ADVANCED: As you become more aware of the Tools and Options in Adobe Illustrator, you can save time in your workflow by using quick sketches. Use either Paper or Digital Methods. DRAWING GUIDE

BUILDING ARTBOARD: I recommend establishing an Artboard that you can use for all of your artwork. The initial Artboard Size can be changed at any point without ruining your own artwork. Create a "Building Template" that includes Artboards, Resource Images, and Template Layers.  GETTING STARTED GUIDE

RESOURCE IMAGE: The easiest method that I will recommend for New or Advanced Users is to create a Basic Line Drawing. Building Tools will use a "Path" so you can literally trace with the Pen, Pencil, Blob Brush, or Paintbrush. For your own artwork, use a traced stock photo, drawing, or sketch. GETTING STARTED GUIDE

TEMPLATE LAYER: Have your Drawing, Sketch, or Traced Photo Selected. In your Layers Panel, select the Menu in the Upper-Right Hand Corner. Drop down to Template. This will create 50% Opacity and Lock the Layer. Create a Template Layer so you can see the Resource Image and new Paths. GETTING STARTED GUIDE

BEGINNER GUIDES: A good place to start if you are new to Adobe Illustrator is our Beginner Guide (Shapes). We will be going through Building with Shapes, Align Panel, Pathfinder, and Basic Color Fills. There are Beginner Guides for the Pen Tool and Tablet if you are new to the website or Adobe Illustrator. BEGINNER GUIDE 1 / BEGINNER GUIDE 2

BEGINNER GUIDES: If you are frustrated with the Pen Tool, a simple tip is to break down the process into 2 Steps. The first step is to just apply Anchor Points to the start-curve-end of a line or path. The second step is to adjust the Curves with the Anchor Point Tool or Smooth Curve Button in the Control Panel. BEGINNER GUIDE 3 / BEGINNER GUIDE 4

BEGINNER GUIDES: Many of you are looking to use your Tablet with Adobe Illustrator. I am going to recommend breaking down your current tablet workflow into multiple steps. I do see a lot of mistakes when people try to combine too many steps all at once with their new tablets. BEGINNER GUIDE 5 / BEGINNER GUIDE 6

BRUSH LIBRARIES: Brush Libraries are specifically designed for Illustrators and Cartoonists to speed up their workflow. Once you have downloaded and extracted the folders, Brush Libraries are ready to be used in Adobe Illustrator. Download Cartoon, Comic Strip, Vintage Mascot Brush Libraries. DOWNLOAD BRUSHES

DIGITAL DOWNLOADS: Digital Downloads will come through our friends at Teachable. Once you download a file, you will have it forever. Download and extract the folders before using in Adobe Illustrator. Download Individual Brush, Halftone, and Texture Folders. DOWNLOAD FOLDERS

RESOURCE BUNDLES: Many of you are jumping over from YouTube looking to download our Adobe Illustrator Resource Folders. Once you have downloaded and extracted the folders, Resource Folders are ready to be used in Adobe Illustrator. Download Brushes, Textures, and Resource Bundles. DOWNLOAD BUNDLES

APPLYING BRUSHES: Start with our Brushes Resource Guide to assist you in Saving the Brush Libraries, Applying your Brushes, and Editing with Shape Builder in Adobe Illustrator. VIEW BRUSHES GUIDE

APPLYING HALFTONES: Start with our Halftones Resource Guide to assist you in Importing Halftones, Applying Halftones, Resizing Pattern Fills, and Coloring Halftones in Adobe Illustrator. VIEW HALFTONES GUIDE

APPLYING TEXTURES: Start with our Textures Resource Guide to assist you in Placing Textures, Coloring BMP Textures, Using Clipping Masks, and Applying Textures using Opacity Masks in Adobe Illustrator. VIEW TEXTURES GUIDE

BUILDING: If you are new to Adobe Illustrator, I would like you to start with our Building Tools. Many of you will be using the Pen, Pencil, and Shapes as your Primary Building Tools. Understand and Apply the different Building Tools in Adobe Illustrator.  VIEW BUILDING TUTORIALS

EDITING: After you lay down your Initial Paths, you can move towards adding Variation and Editing Options. Understand and Apply Live and Expanded Editing Tools in Adobe Illustrator. VIEW EDITING TUTORIALS

COLORING: If you are new to Adobe Illustrator, I would like you to start with easy Coloring Tools such as the Live Paint Bucket. Understand and Apply Live Paint and Advanced Coloring Techniques in Adobe Illustrator. VIEW COLORING TUTORIALS

BEGINNER TUTORIALS: As I create my artwork, I will use an easy process for creating in Adobe Illustrator. If you are new to Adobe Illustrator, understand the Basic Building, Editing, and Coloring Tools. Understand the Primary Building Tools and Options in Adobe Illustrator before applying to your own artwork. BEGINNER / ADVANCED TUTORIALS

ADVANCED COLORING: As I create my artwork, I would like you to focus in on how I have broken down the coloring steps into Flat Color, Values, and Gradients. Understand how to apply Flat Color Layer by using the Live Paint Bucket. Understand how to duplicate layers to use the Knife Tool create Values before applying to your own artwork. BEGINNER / ADVANCED TUTORIALS

BEGINNER WORKFLOWS: As I create my artwork, pay attention to the Sequence of Events and Tool Options. I have organized tutorials by core areas of your Workflow: Building, Editing, and Coloring. Understand Building, Variation, Editing, and Advanced Color Techniques before applying to your own artwork. BEGINNER / ADVANCED TUTORIALS