STOCK PHOTOS: For your own artwork and designs, start from a Drawing, Sketch, or Traced Stock Photo. If you are New, look for images that will relate to your Primary Business or Niche. Download Photo References to use with your artwork and designs.

COLOR SWATCHES: I highly recommend using Adobe Color for your Themes to add to your Library or download ASE Files. In most tutorials, we will be applying Flat Colors using Live Paint. Download Color Themes to use with your own artwork and designs.

FONT FAMILIES: I recommend using Adobe Fonts for Commercial Use. If you are New, look for Font Families to use for your Primary Business or Marketing (Headers + Sub Headers). Download, Save, and Install Fonts to use with your own artwork and designs.

BUILDING TEMPLATE: I recommend establishing an Artboard that you can use for all of your artwork. The initial Artboard Size can be changed at any point without ruining your own artwork. Create a "Building Template" that includes Artboards, Resource Images, and Template Layers.

DRAWING TEMPLATE: The easiest method that I will recommend for New or Advanced Users is to create a Basic Line Drawing. Use your own stock photo, traced photo, drawing, or sketch. Building Tools will use a "Path" so you can literally trace with the Pen, Pencil, Blob Brush, or Paintbrush.

PRODUCT TEMPLATES: Product Templates will give you a sense of the size and color mode of document. You can build directly on the Templates or Copy-Paste your finished original artwork or design over to the Template before Exporting or Saving. (recommended)

BRUSHES RESOURCE GUIDE: After downloading Brush Libraries, follow along to our Brushes Resource Guide to assist you in Saving the Brush Libraries, Applying your Brushes, and Editing with Shape Builder in Adobe Illustrator.

HALFTONES RESOURCE GUIDE: After downloading Comic Halftones, follow along to our Halftones Resource Guide to assist you in Importing Halftones, Applying Halftones, Resizing Pattern Fills, and Coloring Halftones in Adobe Illustrator.

TEXTURES RESOURCE GUIDE: After downloading T-Shirt Textures, follow along to our Textures Resource Guide to assist you in Placing Textures, Coloring BMP Textures, Using Clipping Masks, and Applying Textures using Opacity Masks in Adobe Illustrator.